Note: I set out at the beginning of this busy month of December to post once a day. I've already fallen short. But I can still post as many times as there are days. I just need some creativity, some determination, a little gimmickery (if this was a real word, this is how I'd spell it), and maybe even a lazy link or two. OK, it's not really lazy to link to things others may not have read/heard/watched but might like to if only they were connected (synonymous with linked) to it. And it's especially not lazy to do so in the context of giving one's own take on the linked material. The remainder of this post is an example.
I'm not giving you all of my thoughts on Tim Tebow. Not this week. And I'm not even giving you a description of who he is or what he's been doing. If you know anyone who spends any time around sports, they can tell you the basics if you don't already know. Or you can get a synopsis of his football-related accomplishments from this NFL season in this article from DJ Gallo.
The main point is this: he's the talk of the NFL. The whole sports world, really. But not because he's the best (on the football field) or the worst (in terms of trouble off the field). In fact, though his team has been successful since he's started playing, he hasn't been impressive in any statistical category, with the exception of three. Wins. And talk. I don't mean that he's grabbing for attention. In fact, in some ways he deflects it - to his coaches, his teammates, and his faith. And the attention the media pays to him is anything but reciprocated. He's not worried about what other people are saying. But I should stop. Because this story is still being written, but it's already being evaluated like Shakespeare in AP English class. And I have some fond memories of that class. So, without further ado, here's the first of many installments of Tebow Tuesday, a weekly link to an interview or commentary on this person who's garnered as much love and hate as a presidential candidate. And given the list of candidates on the ballot at this point, it might be worth considering a write-in. I hope you find this story to be as compelling, inspiring, convicting, and fun as I do.
Tebow in Tebow's words:
"I want to be someone that makes a difference, because at the end of the day, if all we're doing is winning and losing football games and scoring touchdowns then we really haven't done a lot with our lives, but if we're in the business of trying to encourage people, bring faith, hope and love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need...then we're really doing something successful with our lives."
This doesn't sound really controversial, but for reasons many are still trying to grasp, Tim has been the most polarizing player in football this year (and maybe ever?!). Until next Tebow Tuesday...
(click the link above. It's a long video, but worth watching. If you want to skim, check out the 9:00 mark and following for comments about faith, and his perspective on what defines him as a person).
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