Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tebow Tuesday Two

As yesterday's post referenced, Tim Tebow (with a lot of help from his teammates, and a little from his opponents) did it again!

There are those who are happy to see him succeed, and those who aren't. And there are a whole lot of theories about why and how he and his teammates have succeeded. An interesting opinion piece in the New York Times is this week's feature focus on Tebow. I have to say I see some things the same way as the author. And some things a bit differently. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Here's Frank Bruni's opening question:
CAN God take credit for the victories of a thick-set N.F.L. quarterback who scrambles in a weirdly jittery fashion, throws one of the ugliest balls in the game, completes fewer than half of his passes and has somehow won six of his team’s last seven games?
Go ahead and read the whole piece, and get back here to let me know what you think! And as an added bonus, courtesy of ESPN's Skip Bayless (who brought us last week's interview) and DJ Steve Porter. A video expressing a different nuance on Bruni's theory.

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